Long bone fractures

Bone metabolism 101

3 phases to bone regeneration:
An inflammatory, reparative, and remodeling phase


1. Inflammatory phase

Fracture results in torn blood vessels and the formation of a blood clot or hematoma.


The inflammatory reaction results in the release of cytokines, growth factors and prostaglandins, all of which are important in healing.


The fracture hematoma becomes organized and is then infiltrated by fibrovascular tissue, which forms a matrix for bone formation and primary callus.


2. Reparative phase

A thick mass of callus forms around the bone ends, from the fracture hematoma. Bone-forming cells are recruited from several sources to form new bone. Soft callus is organized and remodeled into hard callus over several weeks. Soft callus is elastic and can easily deform or bend if the fracture is not adequately supported.


3. Remodeling phase

The healed fracture and surrounding callus respond to activity, external forces, functional demands and growth. Bone (external callus) which is no longer needed is removed and the fracture site is smoothed and sculpted until it returns to normal appearance.


1. Inflammatory phase

Fracture results in torn blood vessels and the formation of a blood clot or hematoma.


The inflammatory reaction results in the release of cytokines, growth factors and prostaglandins, all of which are important in healing.


The fracture hematoma becomes organized and is then infiltrated by fibrovascular tissue, which forms a matrix for bone formation and primary callus.


2. Reparative phase

A thick mass of callus forms around the bone ends, from the fracture hematoma. Bone-forming cells are recruited from several sources to form new bone. Soft callus is organized and remodeled into hard callus over several weeks. Soft callus is elastic and can easily deform or bend if the fracture is not adequately supported.


3. Remodeling phase

The healed fracture and surrounding callus respond to activity, external forces, functional demands and growth. Bone (external callus) which is no longer needed is removed and the fracture site is smoothed and sculpted until it returns to normal appearance.

ModulX® accelerates optimal healing throughout all 3-phases of the healing process

Unmet Need

Trauma related Fractures

Economic burden:
“Bone fractures are a public health issue around the world and pose a serious economic burden… Fractures can lead to work absence, decreased productivity, disability, impaired quality of life, health loss, and high health-care costs.”

In Humans :
Prevalence: 455 million
Incidence: 127 million [2019]

Clinical effect:

Unmet Need

Trauma related Fractures

Economic burden:
“Bone fractures are a public health issue around the world and pose a serious economic burden… Fractures can lead to work absence, decreased productivity, disability, impaired quality of life, health loss, and high health-care costs.”

In Humans :
Prevalence: 455 million
Incidence: 127 million [2019]

Clinical effect:

Unmet Need

Trauma related Fractures

Economic burden:
“Bone fractures are a public health issue around the world and pose a serious economic burden… Fractures can lead to work absence, decreased productivity, disability, impaired quality of life, health loss, and high health-care costs.”

In Humans :
Prevalence: 455 million
Incidence: 127 million [2019]

Clinical effect:

The Market

178 Million new bone-fracture injuries occur annually worldwide

127 Million | Long bone fractures
92.5 Million | Require surgery
19.3 Million | Complex mal union non-union fractures

In the Pipeline


Long bone fracture
Long bone fracture
Other bone fractures
Secondary fracture prevention
Implant reception & bone mass
Post-radiation bone renewal & bone loss
Stage of development
Phase I/IIA


Long bone fracture
Stage of development
Under negotiation with global animal
Health companies
Group 1296

Fractures and Trauma

Onco -Orthopedics

Group 1298
Group 1300



Group 1302
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הקטנת גופן
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גווני מונוכרום
איפוס צבעים
הקטנת תצוגה
הגדלת תצוגה
איפוס תצוגה

אתר מונגש

אנו רואים חשיבות עליונה בהנגשת אתר האינטרנט שלנו לאנשים עם מוגבלויות, וכך לאפשר לכלל האוכלוסיה להשתמש באתרנו בקלות ובנוחות. באתר זה בוצעו מגוון פעולות להנגשת האתר, הכוללות בין השאר התקנת רכיב נגישות ייעודי.

סייגי נגישות

למרות מאמצנו להנגיש את כלל הדפים באתר באופן מלא, יתכן ויתגלו חלקים באתר שאינם נגישים. במידה ואינם מסוגלים לגלוש באתר באופן אופטימלי, אנה צרו איתנו קשר

רכיב נגישות

באתר זה הותקן רכיב נגישות מתקדם, מבית all internet - בניית אתרים. רכיב זה מסייע בהנגשת האתר עבור אנשים בעלי מוגבלויות.